by Jenny Romanczukiewicz, | Mar 9, 2022 | Exercise, lymphoedema, Physiotherapy
Every March, lymphoedema is put in the spotlight to raise awareness and increase knowledge of management options for those at risk of and experiencing lymphoedema symptoms. This year’s theme, “Living well with Lymphoedema” fits well with our philosophy at Calm & Connection Physiotherapy. We believe that regardless of your condition, it is possible to lead a fulfilling and meaningful life if you have the right supports and guidance. [Read more]
by Jenny Romanczukiewicz, | Feb 12, 2022 | Exercise, lipoedema, lymphoedema, Physiotherapy
Have you noticed that no matter what you do, your legs are always out of proportion to your waist. It doesn’t matter how much you exercise or diet, they just never seem to change. When you mention it to health professionals do you often get told you just need to try harder to lose weight? What may in fact be causing this is not lifestyle choices or not trying hard enough but a condition called lipoedema. [Read more]